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              Ministry of Agriculture worries hurt farmers pheno

              時間:2014-02-14  來源:武漢網(wǎng)  作者 我要糾錯

              Ministry of Agriculture worries hurt farmers pheno

                in with Vice Premier Wang Yang before going Henan research agricultural issues of the day, January 16, Agriculture Minister Han Changfu in "Seeking Truth" published "correct understanding and addressing today's Chinese farmers," the article, the article revealed problems caused by a lot of people's attention.
                Han Changfu believes that the land issue is still the core of the interests of farmers in recent years with industrialization and urbanization accelerated, rural land issues morshanghai house rente prominent. "According to the Ministry of Agriculture survey, in recent years, more than 65 percent of farmers petitioning for land, the land issue is the biggest problem affecting rural social stability."
                He pointed out three major outstanding problems faced by farmers in the land, that land contract relations unstable land transfer mechanism is not perfect, and inadequate protection of property rights, "these issues resolved, they will hinder the development of modern agriculture . "
                In this regard, rural scholar Li Changping to the "Daily Economic News" reporter, said, "central document" proposed ownership, contract rights, the right to operate the separation of practical significance, but the right to handle these three relationship. "If you do not clear land ownership, management, franchise and contract rights will be mess."
                land issues affecting rural stability /
                At present, there are 642 million rural resident population, with 263 million migrant workers, farmers are still the basis of Chinese social structure. Han Changfu said, "the demands of the farmers, if not addressed and resolved, farmers thought, if not boot, will not only affect social stability, but also affect the smooth progress of the entire modernization."
                land issue is the most important issue for farmers. According to the survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, in recent years, more than 65 percent of farmers petitioning for land. Han Changfu said for quite a long time, the relationship will remain the land of rural basic relations of production, the land issue remains the biggest problem the core interests of farmers, but also affect social stability in rural areas.
                Han Changfu believe that the main outstanding issues in the land contract relations unstable land transfer mechanism is not perfect, protection of property rights and ineffective. "Some places are still free to adjust the contract period contracted phenomenon, some of the village collective even against the wishes of farmers, farmers contracted to recover illegal, against the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and farmers are not allowed to contract land area, four unclear, location unknown , for an indefinite period and other conditions are also common. "
                In addition, the presence of some local land transfer seek large, and fast tendency to go beyond the local rural labor transfer speed. There are some places in order to attract investment, promote land mass to the industrial and commercial administrative capital intensive, there has been a scramble for profits with farmers and "non-agricultural land" phenomenon. Some local land transfer market imperfections, farmer's land transfer revenue can not be guaranteed, farmers on the land transfer misgivings, not circulation, unwilling to transfer.
                in the protection of property rights, "is mainly the interests of farmers against the land acquisition process, the problem is more prominent and some local land size is too large, do not respect the wishes of farmers, forced land acquisition, compensation standard is too low, can not be properly resettled landless peasants The problem in this area are not properly solved, would hinder the development of modern agriculture, harm the interests of farmers, the impact of long-term stability in rural areas. "
                In fact, the "central document" has been made "to improve rural land contracting policy", in addition to giving farmers contracted to occupy, use, revenue, circulation, but also extended to contract management right mortgage, hypothec. "On the basis of the implementation of collective ownership of rural land on the right to contract farmers stability, liberalize land management rights, allowing contracted land management rights secured financing from financial institutions."
                In this regard, Sun Yinghui, director of Land and Natural Resources Law Center, said the center wapartment rent shanghaiill be contracted land ownership, contract rights, the right to operate formally put on the separation of rural land property rights system and the rule of law level, will once again push the release of large rural productivity. Law to promote the right to contract with the right to operate the main body separation is imperative to protect farmers' interests.
                farmers' income doubled long way to go / Central Agricultural Work Conference held in late 2013
                data show that in 2013 farmers' income structure has changed significantly, wage income for the first time over a family-run income.
                However, farmers' income statistics caliber covers migrant workers wage income of farmers.
                "presented at the Third Plenary Session of the eighth to give farmers contracted secured before power guarantees, fewer farmers real property income." director of the Guangdong Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Li Youhuan considered comprehensive research and development center, to improve Research on the income of farmers should start statistical difference, "can not cover the income of farmers in the traditional sense to wage income of migrant workers, but to truly improve the income of farmers, need to focus on traditional peasant farming at home, how to make this part of the farmers to achieve Revenue doubled. "
                Han also said that agricultural relatively low efficiency, increase production difficult. In recent years, China's agriculture is increasingly apparent cost characteristics, while agricultural price formation mechanism is not perfect, agriculture remains relatively low efficiency, in addition, transfer income and property income accounted for the low income of farmers.
                According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2013 the country's total grain output reached 601.94 million tons, 12.36 million tons more than the previous year, an increase of 2.1%. China's grain production to achieve historic "ten even increase," but the food security situation is still not optimistic, especially food imports soared in recent years, a direct impact on the initiative of food.
                Han Changfu pointed out that China is still in demand and supply of major agricultural products' overall balance, structural shortage "situation, food security is still facing a lot of pressure. "Let more than a billion Chinese people eat eat, eat safe and secure, this historic mission will be accomplished mainly by farmers and only farmers solve the problem fundamentally, to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers to cultivate a new generation of professional farmers, agricultural issues can be solved, the foundation of the national economy will be stronger. "
                "well-off are not well-off, the key to the villagers' concerns in today's China building a moderately prosperous farmers achieve the objective. However, the current income of the farmers and the income of urban residents is still a gap, but the gap is narrowing. 2013, per capita disposable income of urban residents was 26,955 yuan, after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 7.0%, the annual per capita net income of rural residents 8896 yuan, after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 9.3%.
                overall level of farmers' income is not high, but faced with large regional disparities in income. Han Changfu said in the article: If you follow the per capita net income of 2,300 yuan / year national poverty standard, the end of 2012 and nearly 99 million of China's rural poor population, accounting for about 15.4% of the total rural population.
                Han Changfu said in recent years, rapid growth of farmers 'income for ten years, but the increase is still relatively fragile foundation, remains to be widening income sources, increase long-term mechanism has not been established, maintained sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income, realized in 2020 doubling the target task is very arduous.
                Han Changfu said farmers are where the greatest potential to expand domestic demand, today's Chinese peasant issues concerning the sustained and healthy economic development, but once the rural consumer market starts, consumer demand for migrant workers once upgradedrent house in shanghai, will become important to China's economic development leveraging Leverage.



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